The AITC (Association Internationale des Traducteurs de Conférence) is an association dedicated to promoting professional solidarity among conference translators.
This section provides quick access to essential AITC resources, including the Professional Code, Constitution, and information on the CPIT (Caisse de pension des interprètes et des traducteurs), alongside links to restricted areas for members and IGO/INGO partners.
Restricted area for AITC Members
AITC Member Portal: Login & Access Exclusive Content
AITC is not an employment agency and gives no undertaking to provide its members with work or to find them permanent positions.
Professional Code
AITC publishes a professional code. As in all the liberal professions, the members of AITC need to be able to refer to an ethical code that defines their rights and duties, which are inseparable from each other.
AITC publishes a Directory which it sends free of charge to the members of the Association, and to some 400 employers. It provides all relevant information about the members (name, permanent address, professional domicile, mother tongue and working languages, functions, willingness to accept work to be done at home). For the members, the Directory is an excellent way of making themselves known and provides a practical means of finding the details of all their colleagues.
Pension plan
The Pension Fund for Conference Interpreters and Translators (CPIT) is a foundation under Swiss law managed by a Foundation Council of fellow translators and interpreters that works closely with Swiss actuaries and financial institutions. It is open to language professionals of all nationalities who can prove that they are working in a language-related profession (e.g. interpreter, translator, editor, précis-writer, proofreader) on the day they join.
The Executive Committee shall be the organ responsible for applying the decisions of the General Assembly (Article 24 of the Constitution).
Executive secretary
Mme. Gourdon Coralie
Mme. Wells Kathryn
Mr. Collard Daryl
Mme. Lander Teresa
Mme. Sasic Borislava
Mme. Fockens Karin
Mme. Monsarrat Léa
M. English Christopher
Mme. Fahloun Nelia
M. Roy Jesús
Mme. Díaz de Atauri Inés
Mme. Fretz Mary
Mme. Tomaszewski Marta
The Executive Committee shall be the organ responsible for applying the decisions of the General Assembly (Article 24 of the Constitution).
Its functions are the following (Article 26 of the Constitution):
The Executive Committee shall be responsible for the conduct of the business of the Association between sessions of the General Assembly. For this purpose, the Committee shall distribute the tasks and responsibilities among the members of the Association and employ the remunerated staff necessary for the smooth functioning of the Secretariat.
It shall ensure observance of the Constitution. It shall prepare the draft budget and, if it thinks fit, shall recommend to the General Assembly that it change the rate of subscription or ask for a special contribution.
It shall examine candidatures and admit new members.
It shall report to the General Assembly on its work and on the Association’s activities during the past year.
It shall transmit to the General Assembly appeals against decisions on penalties and expulsion, and requests for reinstatement.
It shall study the reports of committees and transmit them, with its observations, to the General Assembly.
It shall set up working groups for the study of particular problems.
It shall collect, publish and communicate to the members of the Association all information of a professional, technical or administrative character which it considers useful.
It shall transmit to the members of the Association any offers of employment which it may receive.
Membership of committees
Working group on computer tools
Created at the 38th Ordinary Session of the General Assembly and reporting to the Executive Committee, the Working Group on Computer Tools (INFORMAITC) is responsible for advising the Executive Committee on managing various computer tools available to the AITC Secretariat, Organs and members, and also assists AITC members in more effectively using the computer tools within organizations or at home. The Group began its work in September 2000.
Mr. Steele Olivier
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Mme. Fusshoven Brigitte
Administrative assistant
Working with members on computer tools, Mme. Fusshoven is also secretary of the association, ensuring clear communication and efficient organization for all members.
Stay tuned!
Subscribe to our Newsletter
A Newsletter appear at intervals to keep members informed of the activities of the Association, in particular those of the Executive Committee, and of new developments of interest to the profession, both as regards the art of translation and employment.