The following information is summarized from the relevant provisions of the AITC Constitution, and is provided for the interest of those translators, revisers, terminologists, editors and précis-writers wishing to apply for AITC membership.
• Candidate Member: This category is for translators who have between 100 days’ and 300 days’ professional experience.
• Active Member: This category is for translators who have over 300 days’ professional experience, including translators who occupy regular in-house staff posts and translators who have retired.
Note: A day’s worth of professional experience is understood to be either a day of work in-house under a contract with an international organization or an international conference, or 1,650 words of translation work for an international organization or an international conference paid according to the volume of work done.
• Associate Member: This category is for translators who occupy regular in-house staff posts but prefer not to be Active Members of the Association.
The first year, new members also have to pay an admission fee of 30 CHF.
Candidate and Associate Members
Active Members
100 Swiss francs
310 Swiss francs
Admission request
Any translator who meets the membership requirements set forth above is invited to download the “Admission request” application form, complete it and send it to the AITC Secretariat at the following address, together with the required supporting documents:
AITC Secretariat Route des Morillons 15 CH-1218 Le Grand-Saconnex Geneva, Switzerland
The completed form and documentary evidence may also be scanned and sent by email to the AITC Secretariat.